August 2021: Three projects nearing completion

As at August 2021 we have three projects nearing completion
16 Work-related Musculoskeletal disorders (anticipated publication September)
12.2 OHS management system (anticipated publication October)
12.1 Systems and systems thinking (anticipated publication November).

We have two projects being funded by Enforceable Undertakings approved by WorkSafe Victoria:
12.6 Investigations, and
18.2 Fibres, dusts and fumes.

Other active projects are:
4 Global concept: Work
34.4 Work design
38.2 Organisational learning and leading change.

Projects not yet commenced but considered priorities are to new chapters to replace current chapters for:
17 Chemical hazards
29 Mobile plant.


(2) Comments

  • Dollie Jeanneret October 11, 2021 @ 10:42 pm

    Tengo verdaderamente grande informaciĆ³n de esta informaciĆ³n. Muchas
    gracias por compartir.

  • Geoff Taylor December 11, 2023 @ 9:22 pm

    The BoK still needs a chapter on safety metrics. We must be able to measure what we do.

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